Battōjutsu (抜刀術, Battōjutsu?) is a Japanese term meaning techniques for drawing a sword. It is often used interchangeably with the terms iaijutsu, battōdō, or iaidō, although each term does have nuances in the Japanese language and different schools of Japanese martial arts may use them to differentiate between techniques (e.g. standing or sitting techniques). The emphasis of training in battōjutsu is on quickly and correctly drawing the sword, striking, and returning the sword to its saya (scabbard/sheath). All terms are somewhat more specific than kenjutsu which more broadly means simply sword techniques, and is often used to refer to techniques where the sword is already out of the saya. Often the emphasis in any form of 'battōjutsu' is on cutting with the draw (i.e. cutting from the saya, rather than first drawing the sword and then engaging an enemy as a separate action).
Comparison with Iaidō, Iaijutsu, etc.
Karl Friday in his book, [[Legacies of the Sword]] discusses the historical usage of various terms in Japanese to describe sword arts. Suffice it to say, that while in English many people may dispute the use of -dō or -jutsu or else ascribe specific differences to the terms battō or iai, these differences are not nearly as clear in the original language and the words are often used interchangably.
The origins of drawing the sword from the sheath and cutting on the draw are murky. Although various martial traditions in Japan have legendary founders going back many years, much credit is given to Hayashizaki Jinsuke. He is now enshrined at the Hayashizaki Jinja, a shrine in the Tōhoku region of Japan seen by many modern practitioners as the chief shrine for iai. The concept of battōjutsu may have existed before this time, but it is unclear who was the first person to actually use the term.
Fictional occurrences
In the popular animé and manga series Rurouni Kenshin, the principal hero uses a fictional style of battōjutsu known as Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū that focuses on the use of "god-like" speed and complex aerial maneuvers.
Outside of Japan
Ryūha, or Japanese martial traditions, which teach battōjutsu are relatively uncommon in Japan, and less common in America and other coutries. This is in contrast to the relatively high degree of availability of open hand training, such as karate and aikidō. Here is a partial list of some of the ryūha taught outside of Japan which include what could be called battōjutsu in the broad sense of drawing and cutting from the saya, although some of them more often use the terms iaidō, iaijutsu, or battōdō.
Listed in the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten (武芸流派大辞典, the Encyclopedia of Martial Arts Traditions) as koryū, or arts developed before the Meiji era.
Musō Jikiden Eishin Ryū -- Traces back to Hasekawa Eishin Ryū, which traces back to the Hayashizaki Ryū Iai of Hayashizaki Junsuke Shigenobu (Late 15th century)
Musō Shinden Ryū -- Traces back to Hasekawa Eishin Ryū, which traces back to the Hayashizaki Ryū Iai of Hayashizaki Junsuke Shigenobu (Late 15th century)
Suio Ryū Iai Kenpō -- Founded around 1600 CE by Mima Yoichizaemon Kagenobu
Shin Shin Sekiguchi Ryū -- Sekiguchi Ryū was founded by Sekiguchi Yorokuuemon Ujimune. Ujimune may have received iai training from Hayashizaki Jinsuke, per the article in Bugei Ryūha Daijiten.
Mugai Ryū -- Founded in 1693 by Tsuji Gettan Sukemochi, who had previously learned Yamaguchi Ryū kenjutsu.
Jigen Ryū -- Founded by Tōgō Hizen-no-kami Shigetada, its lineage traces back through Tenshinshō Jigen Ryū to the Shintō Ryū of Iizasa Chōisai Ienao.
Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō Ryū -- Founded in the 15th Century by Iizasa Chōisai Ienao.
Yagyū Shinkage Ryū -- From the Shinkage Ryū of Yagyū Muneyoshi, who studied under Kamiizumi Nobutsuna in the 16th Century.
Listed in the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten as arts developed after the beginning of the Meiji era.
Toyama Ryū -- Founded in the late 19th, early 20th century to instruct officers at the Toyama Military Academy.
Nakamura Ryu -- Founded by Nakamura Taizaburō in the mid-20th century, who had learned Toyama Ryū at the Toyama Military Academy.
Not listed in the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten:
Enshin Itto Ryu
Fudo Ikken Ryu
Thanks for all the information on Kenjutsu. It is very interesting! I have always been interested in kendo and may have to look into it locally.
Thank you , Chris, I found this exercise highly interesting.
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